Children should not get sick soon in the changing season! Parents must know these tips


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In the changing season, it is necessary to increase immunity to protect children from diseases. The right diet, cleaning, adequate water and wearing the right clothes can prevent infection.

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As the weather changes, the risk of cold, cold, fever and other diseases increases. Especially young children fall ill quickly because their immunity is weaker than the elders. If the proper attention is not paid, then children may have problems with cough, sore throat, fever and stomach problems with changing weather. But there is no need to panic. If some important things are taken care of, then children can be protected from these diseases.

If immunity is strong, the disease will not come close
If the child’s immunity will be strong, then it will be healthy even in the changing season. For this, nutrients rich in nutrients should be included in his diet. Foods like fruits, green vegetables, dry fruits and yogurt help to increase body immunity. Turmeric milk is also beneficial for children. With this, their body is ready to fight infection.

It is very important to wear the right clothes
Often parents make a mistake that excessive or very few clothes are worn to children. It is very important to wear the right clothes in the changing season. Wear light warm clothes to protect against cold winds, but avoid wearing more clothes as this can make the child wet in sweat and can fall ill.

Getting a habit of washing hands, protect against infection
Often young children eat food without washing their hands, which increases the risk of infection. It is necessary for children to get used to cleanliness. Teach them that it is necessary to wash your hands before and after coming from outside. Due to this, bacteria and viruses will not reach their body and they will be saved from diseases.

Don’t forget to feed water, keep the body hydrated
In the changing season, thirst often seems to be less, but water is very important for the body. If there is a lack of water in the body, then the chances of getting sick increase. Children should be given enough water throughout the day. If they avoid drinking water, fruit juice or soup can also be given.

Keep children away from crowded places
If viral infection is spreading with changing weather, then avoid taking children to crowded places. Children can be infected many times in schools, parks or other public places. Try to let children spend more time at home in such weather and take full care of their safety.

Good sleep health key
It is very important to get good and complete sleep for children’s health. When they get enough sleep, their body will remain strong and the ability to fight against diseases will also increase. Try to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep at night.

Note: This is written by Nyju Article AI. In case of ill health, consult a doctor once. AyraNews24x7 does not claim the information given here.


Children should not get sick soon in the changing season! Parents must know these tips


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