Health & Fitness

How to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your long distance partner

Where two hearts meet, distance does not matter. However, being in a long distance relationship spanning miles and time zones...

Saturated fatty acids play important role in brain’s storage of memories: Research

ANI | , Posted by Akanksha AgnihotriWashington DC Researchers at...

The Age Defying Brain: Best Ways to Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy at Work

It is no secret that maintaining an age-defying or young and healthy brain is essential for optimal performance and overall well-being...

What rare lung disease is caused by a genetic defect? Study reveals faulty cell functioning that was previously unknown

One of the most important cells in the body is the macrophage. This immune cell, called "big eater" in Greek,...

Yoga for hormonal balance: Add these exercises to your fitness routine for PCOS and thyroid management

ByZarafshan ShirazNew Delhi Experts emphasize that yoga practice plays an important role in promoting hormonal...

