Can Obesity Sleep lead apnea? Doctor initial warning indication, prevention tips


Obesity refers to a chronic disease that occurs when a lot of fat accumulates in the body. Obesity can lead to other chronic diseases and complications in the body. In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Aparna Govil Bhaskar, Advisor Bariatric and Laparoscopic Surgeon, SAFE Hospital, Mumbai reported that obesity sleep can also give birth to sleep apnea. Also read Breathe while sleeping? Studies show that it is a ‘irony’ food that can reduce the risk of sleep apnea

Dr. Aparna Govil Bhaskar said, “Obesity promotes sleep apnea by increasing the amount of fat in the neck and better airways.”

Obesity and sleep apnea: What is the link?

“Obesity promotes sleep apnea by increasing the amount of fat in the area around the neck and better airways, which makes the lumen of the airways shorter and is predetermined for the fall and disorganization of the airways at bedtime. The muscle tone within this region decreases with latter hypoxic and appeenic phenomena. Excess fat in the stomach can reduce the capacity of the lungs and reduce the air flow in the lungs, ”the doctor explained.

Initial warning signs of sleep apnea in obese patients:

“The most frequent symptoms of sleep apnea in obese patients take loud snoring, at night, daylight, morning headache, difficulties of concentration and mood changes. The OSA is directly associated with many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hyperlipidemia, hypertension, heart failure, heart disease (CVD), and depression, ”Dr. Aparna Govil Bhaskar told. Also read Antidot to Sleep Apnea: Go to your dentist

It is mentioned here how sleep apnea can be stopped in obese patients. (Istock)
It is mentioned here how sleep apnea can be stopped in obese patients. (Istock)

Lifestyle modification and treatment to manage sleep apnea and obesity:

The doctor said, “Treatment of both sleep apnea and obesity includes weight loss, lifestyle modifications (diet, exercise, and restraint with alcohol/sedative before sleeping), use of drugs and combinations of CPAP. Sleep changes are not successful, so bariatric surgery can be a viable option for weight loss. OSA and metabolic deformity is an important solution. Also read Do not sleep on this: PGI specialist warns of serious health risks related to sleep apnea

Can weight loss reduce the seriousness of sleep apnea?

“Weight loss is a powerful effect on the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and thus an effective treatment for most patients. Obesity, especially the obesity of the trunk and the intestine, plays an inspiring role in the OSA through the fats statement around the upper airways, resulting in a decrease in the lumen and the decline of airways has increased, ”Dr. Aparna Govil Bhaskar said. Also read Obesity in children: Children should follow these healthy habits so that they do not take overweight

“In addition to reducing obstructive sleep apnea, weight loss also supports cholesterol profile, insulin resistance, laptin balance, inflammatory markers, and endothelial function -obesity associated with obesity and along with sleep disorders. Is, “The doctor said.

Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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