Can excessive cortisol levels lead to Kushing syndrome? Doctor initial warning indication, prevention tips


Kushing syndrome refers to a hormonal disorder caused by overproduction of cortisol hormones by the adrenal glands. Some ways to spot this rare hormonal disorder are a fatty hump between purple stretch marks and shoulders. In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Pranava -e -Ghori, Endocrinologist, Walkhart Hospital, Mumbai Central explained how cortisol can give birth to Kushing syndrome. Also read Common causes of hormonal imbalance in women

Dr. Pranava -e -Ghori (Pecles) said, “Over a period, the level of excessive cortisol causes a complex disorder called Kushing Syndrome.”

“Cortisol has an effect on almost every organ in our body; It is necessary to maintain blood pressure, blood sugar, energy metabolism and inflammatory control. This hormone is often called stress hormone because adrenal glands produce more cortisol to regulate stress reaction. The excessive cortisol level in a period causes a complex disorder called cushing syndrome, ”the doctor explained.

Kushing Syndrome: Type

Exogenous: When the body is conveyed to additional cortisol from outside, it can give birth to external Kushing syndrome. It is the most common form of cushing syndrome and it happens because steroids are often used to avoid many medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, lupus, joint problems, transplant rejections. Menopause and hormonal changes: Doctors share tips to manage symptoms naturally

Endogenous: This happens when the body produces too much cortisol from within. It is often caused by the pituitary gland, a tumor in the adrenal gland or ectopic tumors such as lungs, pancreas, thymus from another source. The endogenous cushing syndrome is less frequently and every year is reported on the frequency of 10 to 15 people per million. It is more common in women and is the most frequently in people between the ages of 20 to 50 years. When additional cortisol comes due to a pituitary gland tumor, it is called Kushing Disease.

Kushing syndrome’s initial warning signal:

  • Additional weight (central obesity)
  • Round or puffy face (moon face)
  • Excess hair growth on face, neck, chest, abdomen and thighs
  • Important upper back fat (buffalo hump)
  • Thin hands and feet
  • Dark red-violet stretch marks on the chest and abdomen
Excessive weight around the abdomen can be a sign of cushing syndrome. (Pexels)
Excessive weight around the abdomen can be a sign of cushing syndrome. (Pexels)

Kushing Syndrome: Diagnosis

“Diagnosis of endogenous cushing syndrome can be challenging, this includes identifying the level of additional cortisol in blood/urine/saliva and then detecting the source (pituitary gland, adrenal gland, ectopic). This is done by checking MRI/CT and advanced clinical techniques such as nuclear therapy octrootide scanning, inferior petrosal sinus sample (IPSS) using ACTH levels using advanced clinical techniques. Once the source is identified, the first line treatment involves surgery to remove criminal tumors. Often patients with pituitary related cushing diseases may require repeating surgery or gamma knife radiosurgery or medical therapy to control the level of additional cortisol, ”Dr. Pranava told. Also read Do you have a hormonal imbalance? Natural remedies for relief and relief for relief

Prevention Tips:

Drug management: Since glucocorticoids given from outside are the most common source of cushing syndrome, using the smallest dosage of glucocorticoids and advised for the shortest possible time under the supervision of the healthcare provider.

Genetic counseling: For individuals with family history of pituitary tumors or adrenal gland abnormalities, genetic counseling can help identify people who will require frequent monitoring. While the genetic tendency exists, the formation of tumors cannot be prevented. Also read Why is cortisol your fryname? Here is how to keep this stress hormone

Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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