Auspicious time and constellation for the journey, know which day do the journey, otherwise there will be loss


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Travel Muhurt: Anuradha, Jyestha, Mool etc. are considered auspicious for travel. According to direction, one should not travel in the east direction on Saturday. Pratipada Tithi is considered superior to the journey.

Auspicious time and constellation for travel


  • Anuradha, Jyestha, are considered auspicious for the original Nakshatra Yatra.
  • One should not travel in the east direction on Saturday.
  • Pratipada Tithi is considered superior to the journey.

Travel Mukhi: Every person travels daily. Before going on a journey, there are many questions in his mind. People think that the work he is going, will that work be successful or not? There will be no problem in the journey or on which day he should go on the journey so that his journey is successful. For this, in our scriptures, the journey Muhurta and Shubhashubha Shakun thoughts have been explained in detail. Let us know about traveling idea.

Consider the constellation: Anuradha, Jyestha, Mool, Hast, Mrigasira, Ashwini, Punarvasu, Pushya and Revathi are considered auspicious for the Nakshatra Yatra. If you travel in these constellations, your journey will be successful. Apart from this, Ardra, Bharani, Kritika, Magha, Uttarashdha, Visakha and Ashlesha are this constellation, that is, the journey should be postponed in these constellations. Travel in these constellations is not beneficial. Apart from this, the constellation is considered moderate.

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Directions quite important: Travel should not be done in the east direction on Saturday and Monday. The journey of south direction should be sacrificed on Thursday. One should not travel to the west on Sunday and Friday. North should not travel on Wednesday and Tuesday. Traveling in these days and in the above directions is considered to be directed.

Good constellation for all directions: Hasta, Revathi, Ashwani, Shravan and Mrigasira are said to be auspicious for the journey of all directions. In these nakshatra, travel can be done on any date and day. The way Thursday is best for students. Similarly, Pushya Nakshatra is considered superior to all works.

Yogini thoughts: Yogini lives in the east direction on Pratipada and Navami Tithi. Tritiya and Ekadashi in the fire angle. Trayodashi and Panchami in the south direction. Chaturdashi and Shashthi in the west direction in the full moon and Saptami in the air angle. Dwadasi and Chaturthi in the south west angle, Dasmi and Dwitiya in the north direction. Yogini resides in Ishankon on Ashtami and Amavasya. In the left part, Yogini is pleasing, the desired accomplishment behind the back, on the right side is destructive and giving death in front of them.

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Date idea for travel: Pratipada is considered to be the best date for travel, for the achievement of another, fourth quarrel, fifth welfare, sixth quarrel, sixth quarrel, seventh disease, ninth pearl-Data, tenth land beneficial, eleventh gold benefits, Davadasi Prana-Shak and Triadodis. He gives all the perfection of the party. Purnima and Amavasya should not travel. The date after the end of the decay month and the end of the eclipse is considered nutritious. These dates should not travel. Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra are auspicious. The journey should also consider lunar force and auspicious birds.


Auspicious time and constellation for the journey, know what day to travel


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