Aryan Khan’s luxury streetwear brand D’YAVOL X, co-founded with Shah Rukh Khan, has unveiled its latest collection. The father-son duo recently took the internet by storm with their joint photoshoot for the brand’s D’YAVOL X3 collection campaign. Its fans and fashion lovers were eagerly awaiting the next drop and finally the wait is over. The latest collection, named ‘X-3’, is now live, and trust us, the prices will definitely blow your mind. (Also read: Aryan Khan reveals what inspired him to create his own fashion brand, who he sees as his ‘ideal customer’ ,
Aryan Khan’s brand unveils ultra-luxurious collection
The collection is brimming with luxury, including a signature suede jacket with premium zippers, delicate stitching and functional pockets for versatile style. Its artisanal dyeing and suede goat leather provide a rich, velvety feel, and each piece is signed by the one and only Shah Rukh Khan. Price? a shocking 175,555.
The collection also includes hoodies with self-embroidered patch logos on the back. Although it may look like a regular hoodie, it costs more than anything normal 41,000. The brand also offers logo-embroidered hats for retail sale 6,555. Aryan Khan’s photoshoot for Ex-Girlfriend hoodie reflects Gen Z chic with quirky graphics, carries the same hefty price tag 41,000.
The graphic-printed T-shirt, available in black, white and blue, has a price tag of 22,500, while the trendy denim cargo pant, called Night Walker II, is available 35,000. Every item in this collection reflects style, the prices are sure to turn heads.
About Aryan Khan
D’YAVOL was founded by Aryan Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and their family friends Leti Blagoeva and Bunty Singh. The brand has two main divisions: a streetwear line called X and a portfolio of spirits. Meanwhile, Aryan is gearing up for his directorial debut with an untitled Bollywood series on Netflix, produced by Gauri Khan. The series is scheduled to release later this year, with Shah Rukh Khan proudly announcing Aryan’s venture on X.