Are vaccines safe for infants? Facts about vaccination that needs to know every parent


Vaccination is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your child from serious health risks. Infants are born with immature immune systems, which take many years to fully develop.

Fact or imagination? Shocking truth about child vaccination. (Image by pexels)

This makes them sensitive to diseases and dangerous viruses especially for life. Vaccines play an important role in molding them with these dangers.

How to work vaccines

In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Shelli Gupta, Advisor – Neononetologist and Pediatrician shared in maternity hospitals in Gurgaon, “The vaccines serve as a protective shield by stimulating the immune system of a child. They act of inactive or weak forms of a disease in the body Introduce, teach the immune system that to identify and deal with these dangers without causing real illness.

Major benefits of vaccination

  • Protection against life: Threatened diseases: vaccines prevent diseases like measles, polio, hepatitis and hupping cough, which can lead to serious complications or even death.
  • Community immunity: By vaccinating your child, you also contribute to the safety of the community. This reduces the risk for individuals that cannot obtain vaccines, such as very young infant or people with medical conditions.
  • Reduced risk of serious illness: vaccinated children are better equipped to fight infections, ensuring healthy growth and development.

Vaccination schedule followed

Dr. Shelli Gupta said, “It is necessary for the parents to follow the vaccination schedule recommended by their doctor. Vaccines are the most effective when the child is administered at a specific age to provide optimal protection as the child grows. ,

It is important to identify that vaccination is important investment in your child's health and well -being. (Freepic)
It is important to identify that vaccination is important investment in your child’s health and well -being. (Freepic)

He warned, “Remembering a scheduled vaccine can leave your child insecure for stopping diseases. If for some reason the dose of the vaccine is missed, consult your doctor immediately to arrange catch-up vaccination. Delay in vaccination may compromise your child’s immunity, so follow -up is important on time. ,

Are the vaccines safe?

The vaccines are generally safe and undergoing rigorous tests before approval. Dr. According to Shelli Gupta, they can cause mild, temporary side effects, such as:

  • Injection
  • Low grade fever
  • Temporary irritability or mood

These side effects are usually short -lived and long -term protection are far from offering vaccines.

Parental role in ensuring vaccination

Dr. Shelli Gupta advised, “Parents should take responsibility to monitor their child’s vaccination. Maintaining vaccination records helps to ensure that no dose is missed. Regular consultation with a pediatrician can help you to be informed and updated about your child’s vaccination needs. ,

Shortly before getting pregnant, promoting a woman's vaccination, she moves immune cells during breastfeeding and ensures that the child is preserved quickly. (Shutterstock)
Shortly before getting pregnant, promoting a woman’s vaccination, she moves immune cells during breastfeeding and ensures that the child is preserved quickly. (Shutterstock)

He concluded, “Vaccination is an important step for your child’s health protection. This protects them from life-drank diseases, reduces the risk of serious illness, and contributes to a healthy community. Set an appointment time with your doctor today and make sure your child follows the recommended vaccination schedule. Today a small step can bring a big change in your child’s future health. ,

Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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