Amazing of Lal of India, flag buried all over the world, only in 13.5 seconds …



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The young man of India has done wonders. He has illuminated the name of the entire country by winning the World Memory League Championship. He has created history in 6 seconds by remembering a word i.e. in 80 words in order.

Amazing of Lal of India.


  • 20 -year -old Vishwa Rajkumar won the Memory League World Championship.
  • Rajkumar recalled 80 random numbers in 13.5 seconds.
  • Rajkumar is planning to become a memory trainer and open an institute.

A 20 -year -old young man from India introduced his sharp mind all over the world. In early February this month, college student Vishwa Rajkumar has created history by winning the Memory League World Championship title. This was not a minor challenge. Rajkumar made history by remembering 80 random numbers in just 13.5 seconds among the people in an online game. This is a test in which you have to remember at a high speed even by tying the lace of your shoe.

After all, how it has been possible by a neuroscientist Ellenor Maguire. Maguire died recently. In this study, he found that athletes of a mental game like Rajkumar remember the numbers using the ancient Roman “method of Loki”. It is a recollection technic, in which it is also known as “Memory Palace”.

Rajkumar spoke to New York Times. Rajkumar responded to his memory strategies. Some questions are here-

Question- How did you prepare for the Memory League World Championship?
answer- Hydration is very important because it helps your brain. When you remember things, you usually remember by speaking. It (water) helps in a clean throat. Suppose you are reading a book. You are not reading it loudly, but you are speaking within yourself. If you do not drink a lot of water, then the speed of your memory will be slightly less. If you drink too much water, then it will be clean more and more words and you will be able to read it fast.

Question- What does your memory palace look like?
answer- Suppose my first place is my room, where I sleep. My second place is kitchen and third place is my hall. Fourth place is my verandah. Other place is my bathroom. Suppose I am remembering a list of words. 10 words. What will I do, I will take a pair of words. Will make a story from them. And keep them in one place. And I take the next two words. I make a story with them. I put them in second place. Memory Palace will help you remember in order.

Question- How many words are there in your memory place?
answer- Many Suppose I am remembering 100 words. I am making a story with every two words. There will be a set of 50 stories, but I do not remember which story came earlier or which second place. This will be a problem, isn’t it? So if I use the Memory Palace, I can remember which story came first and which second place. Similarly, I can remember all 50 stories.

Question- Can you tell about the challenges in the Memory League World Championship?
answer- They give you 80 redam numbers. They show them on the screen. You have to remember all those numbers as fast as possible, then click on a button and a recall sheet will appear. I write all 80 marks and I kept writing them properly. My fastest time to remember 80 random number in the World Championship was 13.5 seconds, ie about six points per second.

Question- Do you know how wonderful it was?
Answer- Yes, I was crying after winning.

Question- What will happen next?
Answer- After the completion of college, which will be completed in two to three months, I will probably try to become a memory trainer. I will build a memory institute in India. Where I can teach other people this technology. My goal is to make it big.


Amazing of Lal of India, flag buried all over the world, only in 13.5 seconds …


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