New Delhi: Kannada actor Darshan Thugudeepa is in police custody in the murder case of actor Renuka Swamy. New revelations are being made in the police investigation. He had allegedly lured 3 people with Rs 15 lakh in exchange for taking responsibility for the murder. He had promised to give Rs 5 lakh to each person. He was arrested on June 11.
A food delivery agent saw Renuka Swamy’s body lying in a drain in Bangalore, where dogs were tearing her apart. He immediately informed the police about the incident. According to media reports, Renuka was accused of sending obscene messages to Darshan’s costar and girlfriend Pavitra Gowda. Harassing the actress through social media and talking to her in an offensive language could be the major reason for Renuka’s murder.
Renuka Swami was beaten badly before being murdered
To accomplish his task, Darshan used a person named Raghavendra alias Raghu to gather information about Renuka. Raghu is associated with her fan club. The deceased’s wife has accused Raghu of picking her up from near the house. Police have said in their investigation that before Renuka Swami’s murder, she was tied with a rope and beaten badly.
Police arrested 13 people including Darshan
13 people including Darshan and Pavitra have been arrested in Renuka Swamy murder case. Bangalore Police Commissioner B Dayanand said that he will investigate the case in depth. He said, ‘The culprits will be punished as per the law without any mercy.’ State Home Minister G Parameshwara has given the police a free hand to take action against Darshan and other accused.
first published : June 13, 2024, 8:11 pm IST