Good sound quality is not coming in the phone? Adopt these 5 methods, you will dance after listening to the songs


New Delhi. Many times, while using an Android phone, it may have happened to you that the sound quality does not seem any better while listening to songs or watching videos. If you have felt this way, you are not alone. Even in high-end devices, sometimes the audio gets distorted and the quality falls. In such a situation, here we are going to tell you about some ways by which you can overcome this problem.

Disable Absolute Volume for Bluetooth Devices
If you face difficulty in hearing the sound quality clearly in your Android device. So go to the developer menu option and see whether the Absolute Volume option is off or not. This option links the volume level between the Bluetooth device and the phone. It is not supported in some Bluetooth devices. This can make the sound quite loud. In such a situation, if you feel noise or distortion then turn off this setting.

For this go to Settings > About phone or Settings > About phone > Software information. After this tap on Build number 7 times and enable Developer options. Then scroll down to developer options and turn on the slider of Disable absolute volume.

Adjust equalizer settings
Most Android devices come with in-built equalizer settings. In such a situation, you can experiment with these settings and balance the volume as per your choice. Through this you can adjust bass, treble and other frequencies.

Change Bluetooth Codec Settings
Bluetooth codes maintain the data transferred to wireless headphones. Devices come with a variety of standard codec protocols, from the most commonly used SBC to advanced options AAC and LDAC. In such a situation, one way is that these settings can be changed for better audio reception in Android devices. This will improve the quality.

Download music in high-quality formats
If you want good sound quality while listening to songs, then you will have to download high-quality audio files. Music quality is better in high bit rate.

Update firmware and apps
Make sure the device’s firmware and audio-related apps are up-to-date. Manufacturers usually release updates to improve audio performance and fix bugs.

Tag: technical knowledge, technology news, tech news in hindi, tech tricks


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