Drinking more water to organic products: Learn about these 4 skincare myths


As the skincare attracts more attention to people with more and more conscious about their skin health, a constant stream of new trends and advice comes out. From hack and tips to product on social media, it is said that it is very good to come true, it is easy to be overwhelmed by wrong information. When you all try to follow different advice, swinging from all this noise can cause a breakout or disappointment.

Skincare myth can keep you in a viscious loop without any result, this is the time when you make them unknown. (Shutterstock)

Everyone has heard non-converters like drinking water for better skin, but sometimes these claims are either clearly wrong or put a lot of emphasis, because nothing works in separation. Some things can work, but they are rarely the only solutions. In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Mikki Singh, the founder and medical director of the Bodycraft Clinic debunted the popular Skincare myths and what did it work instead.

Dr. Singh shared these myths and clarified the truth behind him.

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drink more water

Only drinking water is not enough to hydrate your skin. (Shutterstock)
Only drinking water is not enough to hydrate your skin. (Shutterstock)

While adequate water intake supports overall health, skin hydration also depends on topical moisturizer and balanced lipid barriers. Proper moisturizer formulation with ingredients such as ceramids or hyaluronic acid ensures that the skin effectively maintains moisture. Its next step must include skin boosters such as skinwear – it is a long -term solution to keep the skin hydrated, soft and soft and only available in the clinic.

Only biological products are safe

Many believe that ‘natural or organic products are always safe and more effective’. In fact, plant-rich materials can still trigger irritation or allergies. The word ‘natural’ is not a guarantee of safety. It is better to focus on scientific evidence and proven materials, such as retinol, niacinamide or vitamin C, compared to marketing claims only.

Tingling sensation means the product is working

Irritated skin does not mean that the product is working. (Shutterstock)
Irritated skin does not mean that the product is working. (Shutterstock)

Some believe that tingling or stinging means that a product is working. It is not always accurate. Sensations such as stinging often indicate irritation rather than efficacy. Usually the skin should feel comfortable. If there is frequent discomfort, use skincare professional and consult. Chemical peels are best done under the supervision of trained health professionals.

Moisturizer is very heavy for oily skin type

Oily skin can still benefit from moisturizing. The shipment moisturizer can motivate the sebacious glands to produce even more oil, leading to further imbalance. Non-comedogenic options provide the necessary hydrations without increasing sebum production

Also read: Hot water bath for popping pimples: dermatologist reveals the largest skincare mistakes that you are doing

Note the readers: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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