13 trains including Rajyarani Express will be canceled, see full list here


agency:AyraNews24x7 uttar pradesh

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13 trains including Rajyarani Express have been canceled due to yard remodeling in Moradabad division. Due to the cancellation of these trains, passengers will have to face inconvenience.

13 trains including Rajyani Express canceled


  • 13 trains including Rajyarani Express were canceled.
  • Trains canceled due to yard remodeling of Balamau station.
  • Passengers will have to face inconvenience.

Moradabad: A new difficulty has come to light for the passengers of the mandal, where the change in the roadways route due to the closure of Ramganga bridge had disturbed the passengers, while now the railways have increased the difficulties of passengers by canceling 13 trains. Explain that the railway has canceled 13 trains including Rajyarani Express due to yard remodeling of Balamau station. Due to which passengers will have to face double trouble. These trains will be canceled on different dates till 19 February. Apart from this, the route of four trains including Nauchandi Express, Garibrath Express has been changed. The Kumbh Express leading to Howrah will run from 15 to 18 February only from Lucknow.

These trains will run through changed route
Senior DCM Aditya Gupta informed that Saharsa-Amritsar Saharsa Garibrath Express will run from 9 to 17 February via Gorakhpur, Sitapur, Shahjahanpur. The Muzaffarpur-Anandvihar Saptakranti Express will run from 15 to 18 February via Gonda, Sitapur, Shahjahanpur. Nauchandi Express will run from 14 to 18 February via Lucknow-Kanpur-Khurja-Hapur.

These trains were canceled
22453-54 Rajyarani Express (14 to 19 February)
14235-36 Banaras-Bareilly-Banaras (14 to 19 February)
15119-20 Janata Express (14 to 17 February)
13257-58 Jansadharan Express (14 to 19 February)
15127-28 Kashi Vishwanath Express (15 to 18 February)
15623-24 Bhagat’s Kothi-Kamakhya Express (14 and 18 February)
13005-06 Punjab Mail Express (12 to 18 February)
12355-56 Archana Express (15 and 16 February)
22355-56 Patna-Chandigarh-Patna Express (16 and 17 February)
20939-40 Sabarmati-Sultanpur Express (18 and 19 February)
22489-90 Meerut-Lucknow Vanderat Bharat (7 to 19 February)
13307-08 Ganga Sutlej Express (12 to 18 February)
12469-70 Kanpur-Jammuutvi Express (till 19 February)


13 trains including Rajyarani Express will be canceled, see full list here


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