New Delhi: The National Health Authority has asked the Ministry of Health to integrate the Universal vaccination win (U-WIN) platform with the Unified Health Interface (UHI).
This is similar to the approach adopted for Kovin when the vaccination slots were booked during the Covid epidemic and will help people search for vaccination services. As part of the scheme, efforts are being made to book vaccination slots using any mobile application, such as Paytm and PhonePe.
UHI is a component of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) that has been developed as an open network to enable the difference in digital health services. The UHI enables healthcare providers on many digital platforms to find people using any UHI-competent end-user application.
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“UHI integration vaccination will further strengthen the ecosystem as these services can be made available to citizens in many consumer applications. This will not only affect 74 million beneficiaries registered on U-Win, but will also expand the access to unregistered beneficiaries through other ABDM-SAC solutions, which supports the adoption of progress. In this regard, it is highly recommended that U-Win, National Immunization Program, UHI-SAC to increase access to vaccination service and efficiency across the country, the direction of general objective of widespread access and awareness It is working in, “said Kiran Gopal Vaska, Joint Secretary, NH, saw the Ministry of Health in a letter on 10 February, Mint,
U-vin is a major technical equipment of the Ministry of Health to improve real-time vaccination and vaccination coverage for eligible beneficiaries such as pregnant women, infants, and children. As of 31 January, Uwin created 955,000 Abhas and pairs 240,000 vaccination records from 19,184 health facilities in all states/UTS.
Vaska said, “To expand the reach of citizens up to U-Win, it is proposed that U-win is integrated with UHI.”
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He said that the proposed UHI-uwin integration will help citizens to find vaccination services, detect nearby vaccination centers and determine appointments through any UHI-competent application.
“This approach is similar to one which was adopted by the Ministry for the vaccination rollout through Kovin. Integration with UHI will increase access to the available service of U-WIN for a broader set of citizens, ”the official said.
“The coin platform had remarkable success during the early part of the epidemic, the facility of nationwide vaccination coverage within a few months. Similarly, U-WIN is also designed to integrate other national health initiatives, such as ABDM. This integration will eventually allow health professionals to access wider and accurate health records, which will improve the quality of care provided at all levels of society. Users will have the opportunity to book vaccination appointments in a center near their residence, and receive reminders through SMS. This will work to improve vaccination coverage and reduce the future risk of outbreak of infectious diseases, ”a public health specialist Dr. Rajiv Jayidevan said And former president, Indian Medical Association, Cochin.
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He said that with all new initiatives, challenges are expected. “These include variability in adopting platforms between states, lack of manpower and the need to collect data from private healthcare providers.”
Former National President of the Indian Association of Pediatrics, Dr. Sachitanand Kamath said that there should be some systems to check vaccination being done in the private sector. “The whole purpose is that no child should be left without vaccines.”
Questions sent to the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health remained unanswered.
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