Hair Vitamin: Miracle for hair collapse correct or just a hair care preaching? Expert reveals the truth


According to hair care experts, consuming hair vitamins can help reduce hair loss, grow hair again and provide daily hair nutrition. As the spring season finds the way in winter, the key to reducing the collapse of seasonal hair is a combination of hydration, safety and nutrition.

Dermatologist-abstinent hair vitamin: Do you really need them? (Eating this image, no!)

Hair fall season is here

In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Stuti Khare Shukla, MD dermatologist, founder of elements of aesthetics and founder of Hair Growth Booster approved by FDA, explained, “Hair growth cycles and three different stages: Anagen or growing stages, the anagen or rising stages , The Annagen or the rising phase, The Annagen or the rising phase, The Annagen or the rising phase, the anagen or the increasing phase, the anagen or the increasing phase, the catagen or the transitional phase, and the tailogen or resting phase when the rest is long. The growth is up to the growth.

Minerals: Reduction in minerals such as copper, selenium, iron and calcium and vitamins such as B12 and folic acid can also be early brown.
Minerals: Reduction in minerals such as copper, selenium, iron and calcium and vitamins such as B12 and folic acid can also be early brown.

He said in detail, “They are asked to prevent excessive hair loss, make hair thicker and make hair healthy and Xinier. These nutrients are the secrets of hair growth, follicle strength and hair texture. By curing nutrient deficiency, hair can help reduce the hair fall, speed up hair growth and shine and lubricate the hair. ,

Do hair vitamins actually work?

According to the expert, they are especially good for anyone who experiences hair loss due to stress, hormones, postpartum recovery or nutritional deficit. Dr. Stuti Khare Shukla revealed, “The effectiveness of hair vitamins varies greatly. They can be beneficial for individuals with nutrient deficiency, but normal hair health results are often subtle and may take several months to appear. ,

A supplement with the correct balance of vitamins can help you achieve a nutritious skull, which can contribute to hair growth. (Shutterstock)
A supplement with the correct balance of vitamins can help you achieve a nutritious skull, which can contribute to hair growth. (Shutterstock)

He advised, “Before starting hair vitamin, dermatologists recommend that you test for an underlying medical condition and find the best way to treat that condition. Choose iconic brands that content and third party testing Provide a transparent list. Some things that may take a few months to notice include diet, stress management and exercise. “

Dr. Stuti Khare Shukla concluded, “Hair vitamins can bring some benefits to others, especially for those who lack nutrients. However, they are not a magic pill and they are used with a holistic approach to hair care. ,

Disclaimer: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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