Shocking truth about thyroid cancer: Are you at risk?


Estimated 42 million people in India suffer from thyroid problems, an autoimmune situation that has become very common. The most frequent cause is considered to be a deficiency of iodine brought by consumption of insufficient food, resulting in diseases such as goiter and hypothyroidism. Additionally, endocrine disorders are more common in women.

From goiter to cancer: hidden threats of untreated thyroid problems. (Image by X/webmd)

In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Diabetes and Endocrinology, Director of Diabetes and Endocrinology at Sakra World Hospital, Bengaluru. Manjunath Malige explained, “Thyroxin (T4) and triadothyronine (T3) manufactured by thyroid, a butterfly -shaped gland, a butterfly -shaped gland, a butterfly -shaped gland. Below. These hormones are important for many biological processes, such as digestion, mood and excitement, body rate and heart rate, however, vocabulary like thyroid cancer and thyroid nodules is becoming more popular these days. It is important to understand how they are related to each other.

Thyroid is a gland that is located in front of the neck under Lenux (Adobe Stock)
Thyroid is a gland that is located in front of the neck under Lenux (Adobe Stock)

According to research, the prevalence of thyroid cancer is gradually increasing globally but the death rate has been the same. Dr. Manjunath Malig revealed, “In India, there are 5.4 cases of thyroid cancer for every lakh people. These are the development of small lumps on the thyroid glands. Thyroid nodules are classified: solitude (a single nodule), many (more than one nodule), cystic (filled with fluid) and solid. ,

Due to thyroid nodule

Dr. Manjunath Malig exposed, “The following factors increase the risk of thyroid nodules: the history of head and neck radiation; A genetic tendency for thyroid nodules or thyroid cancer; Ageing; Iron deficiency anemia; Smoking; obesity; metabolic syndrome; Use of alcohol; High levels of hormone insulin such as development factor -1; And uterine fibroids. Thyroid nodules are usually not a matter of concern. Thyroid cancer may be found in some thyroid nodules, although the great majority of thyroid nodules are benign. ,

Most of the thyroid nodules arise due to unknown reasons. Nodules can develop for several reasons, such as –

  • One or more overcrowding of normal thyroid tissue is called colloid nodules. These development are gentle and not fatal. They do not spread behind your thyroid gland, even if they can grow up. These thyroid nodules type are the most prevalent.
  • Development that is partly solid and partially filled with fluid is known as thyroid ulcers. Cystic nodules are very less likely to cancer (malicious).
  • Constant inflammation (inflammation) of your thyroid gland leads to the development of inflammatory nodules. It is possible that these growth will not hurt.
  • An increased thyroid, or multicodular goiter, is made up of several nodules, most of which are benign.
  • Hyperthyroidism can develop from additional thyroid hormones produced by these nodules.
  • Thyroid cancer occurs in less than 6.5 percent of thyroid nodules, making it extremely unusual.

Symptoms of thyroid nodule

Thyroid nodules usually show no symptoms. However, you may be able to notice your nodule if you have lots or if they are big. Rarely, nodules can expand to the point that they expand vocal abnormalities or ravages, swallowing or breathable, neck pain, and jewel, and expand the thyroid gland.

Types of thyroid cancer

1. Papillary thyroid cancer is the most prevalent (80%), slow growing and often treated. Variants that grow more quickly, such as long cells and columns, may require more intensive treatment.

2. The follicular thyroid cancer spreads to the lungs or bones, but a proper disease is diagnosed and is associated with iodine deficit.

3. Oncocytic carcinoma: less common (3%), more difficult to find and fix.

4. The marrow thyroid cancer (MTC) develops from C cells, produces calcitonin, and has the ability to spread before being discovered.

5. 2% of cases are anaplastic thyroid cancer, aggressive, and often obtained from other tumors that had already undergone discrimination.

6. Sarcoma, SCC and thyroid lymphoma are abnormal and different from other thyroid cancer.

The main course of treatment is surgery.

A lump in the neck that can grow up over time, neck pain or swelling, bruising or speaking, which is difficult to swallow or breathe, and a persistent cough that is not related to flu or cold , All thyroid cancer are signs.

Diagnosis and management

Dr. Manjunath Malig said, “Doctors may recommend an ultrasound if they find any tumors or discrepancies in thyroid during a physical examination to diagnose. To find out if a nodule is solid or filled with fluid, this imaging technique can be aid. Thyroid conditions can be determined through blood tests. ,

Keeping an eye on our weight can help in identifying medical issues quickly. Dramatic changes in weight can be an early indication of certain conditions, including problems with our thyroid, digestion, and diabetes. (Pexels)
Keeping an eye on our weight can help in identifying medical issues quickly. Dramatic changes in weight can be an early indication of certain conditions, including problems with our thyroid, digestion, and diabetes. (Pexels)

He said, “Another technique that carries cells from a nodule for microscopic analysis is called fine-sui aspiration biopsy (FNAB). Thyroid hormone therapy, radioactive iodine therapy and surgery are available. More available forms of treatment. For advanced cases, external radiation or targeted therapy can be employed.

Prevention and regular screening

Dr. Manjunath Malig concluded, “Thyroid nodules and cancer cannot always be avoided, but initial identity and treatment can be assisted by eating high diets in iodine, limiting unnecessary radiation risk and receiving frequent checkups. White salt consumption and preference for alternative salts, such as pink, etc., which are decreased iodine, are among the factors contributing to an increase in thyroid cases. ,

Disclaimer: This article is only for informative purposes and is not an option for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor with any question about a medical condition.


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