Tag: constipation

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These 5 fruits will clean sweep the dirt from your stomach, eating them for just 15 days will improve constipation..! Your morning burden will...

Fruits for Constipation: Constipation is most troublesome in the rainy season as compared to other seasons. Once it happens, life becomes miserable. Actually,...

Do you sit in the toilet for hours while travelling, your stomach is not clear? Follow these 7 tips given by experts, you will...

travel tips: By doing office and household work every day, a person gets mentally and physically tired. The brain does not work properly...

This tree is not the enemy of diseases… panacea for sugar, liver, heart, asthma…

Sanjay Yadav/Barabanki: In today's modern era, when science has brought revolutionary changes in the field of medicine, the ancient medical system of Ayurveda...

This one and a half foot plant is the father of medicine, it twists the constipation and throws it out of the stomach, it...

We need to take medicine for every minor illness because we are not aware of the things around us. If we know...


